The Grace Cafe Podcast
Join co-hosts Mike and Susan Adams as they share their journey out of religious obligation and into the freedom that is ours apart from religion in the New Covenant gospel of grace.
The Grace Cafe Podcast
A Look Back At Why We Left Religion and the Institutional Church (011)
This episode is a look back at our journey out of institutional church. Leaving religion and coming into a better knowledge of grace was a years-long process for us. Being a pastor in a high-performance based church setting finally caused Mike to hit a wall of performance and Susan fell into a deep depression. All of this came to a head for us on early 2009 when we made a final decision to leave.
In addition to this episode we will continue to sprinkle bits and pieces of our story in future episodes. But with so many new followers since shutting down or last podcast, we decided to dedicate one full episode to share our story with you here.
Other places you'll find us:
- The UnSunday Show Podcast - https://www.unsunday.com
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/unsundayshow/
- The Grace Cafe YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@GraceCafePodcast
- The UnSunday Show YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@unsundayshow