The Grace Cafe Podcast
Join co-hosts Mike and Susan Adams as they share their journey out of religious obligation and into the freedom that is ours apart from religion in the New Covenant gospel of grace.
24 episodes
Come Untangled: Breaking Free from Religious Control (024)
Has religion tied you down instead of setting you free? In this episode, we share some of our own experiences in escaping the religious mindset so prevalent in many institutional churches. We talk about the dangers of rigid leadership, legalism...
Episode 24

Why We Lose Friends When We Leave The Institutional Church (023)
In this episode of The Grace Cafe podcast we start out by talking about why we lose friends when we leave the institutional church. Then our conversation turns to an analogy from C.S Lewis' book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and ...
Episode 23

All Sufficient Grace (022)
In this episode of The Grace Cafe, we talk about grace in the midst of suffering in the context of Mike's cancer and his ongoing treatments. In the institutional box church, where one-size-fits-all is the assumed norm, our performance is often ...
Episode 22

Covenant Confusion: A Conversation With Mike Kapler (021)
This episode of The Grace Cafe is a conversation from 2018 that Mike had with Mike Kapler of the Growing in Grace podcast. It centers around the content of Mike Kapler's book, Clash Of The Covenants: Escaping Religious Bondage Through The Grace...
Episode 21

Set Free to Be Free: A Conversation with Nora Shaw (020)
In this episode of The Grace Cafe we reached back to episode 50 of the old Grace Cafe podcast to a conversation Susan had with our late friend Nora Shaw. This is an energizing conversation about the freedom Jesus intends for us to experience in...
Episode 20

Mike's Health Update (019)
I am posting this conversation on The UnSunday Show podcast as well as here. It's a short health update from yours truly. Push play and give it a listen and thank you for following my podcasts!I was recently invited to speak on the Grac...
Episode 19

Sin Management (018)
Welcome to the Grace Cafe! We're Mike and Susan, AKA, The Husband and Wife Grace Team! In this episode we talk about the dark side of sin management and the sin police in institutional church and religion.
Episode 18

Who We Are in Jesus: A Deep Dive Into The Gospel of Grace with Matt McMillen (017)
Who are we in Jesus? Is there anything lacking in our new identity in Jesus? Is the cross enough? Are we ever not doing enough? Does God expect more from us? Is God ever disappointed in you? Is there a list of things we need to be doing to earn...
Episode 17

The Holy Spirit: Friend or Foe? (016)
In this episode of The Grace Cafe, we talk about the Holy Spirit and how religion and the box church give us a version of the Holy Spirit that's more like an angry mobster than a comforter and loving friend. Along the way we talk about some of ...
Episode 16

Breaking Point with Amber Stephens (015)
Our friend Amber joins us in this episode. In her own words, each of us has two stories; a life story and a faith story. Amber shares both of her stories and the breaking points that led to her seeing grace as grace and a return to the simplici...
Episode 15

Freedom That Leads to Rest (014)
Welcome to The Grace Cafe! In this episode we talk about the freedom we have in Jesus and how this freedom allows us to rest from our own works and effort. But organized church and organized religion redefines freedom and rest to keep us depend...
Episode 14

Under Grace The Pressure Is Off (013)
Welcome to episode 13 of the Grace Cafe podcast. This episode is a conversation about how religion and institutional church dilutes grace with performance goals designed to keep the institution alive. There is no rest apart from grace. In relig...
Episode 13

Rooted and Grounded in Grace (012)
Welcome to episode 12 of the newly relaunched Grace Cafe Podcast. In this episode we talk about the importance of being rooted and grounded in the grace of the New Covenant. The write of the letter to the Hebrews put it like this:"Do no...
Episode 12

A Look Back At Why We Left Religion and the Institutional Church (011)
This episode is a look back at our journey out of institutional church. Leaving religion and coming into a better knowledge of grace was a years-long process for us. Being a pastor in a high-performance based church setting finally caused Mike ...
Episode 11

Life Update From The Grace Cafe (10)
Welcome to episode 10 of The Grace Cafe Podcast. In this first episode of 2024 we update you on what's been happening with us, including Mike's recent health scare, a little bit of our back story, and our current dilemma of community and church...
Episode 10

A Weaponized Faith (09)
Welcome to episode 9 of The Grace Cafe podcast. This is a past episode (98) of the old Grace Cafe from New Year's Eve, 2020 that we wanted to share with you. In it, we talk about ways Christianity has weaponized faith and the Bible to enf...
Episode 9

The Leftover Scars of Complimentarianism (08)
Complimentarianism and hierarchy are not neutral. They are harmful to the people in it, especially women and children, and they are in opposition to the gospel of New Covenant grace. In this final installment of our series on women in the churc...
Episode 8

Can Women Be Pastors? (07)
We're closing in on the end of our series on women in the church. The topic in this episode is Can Women Be Pastors? One objection to women pastors that is raised by those opposing the idea is that Paul told Timothy an elder (pa...
Episode 7

Headship and Submission (06)
Welcome to episode 6 of The Grace Cafe Podcast. We're continuing our topic of women in the church and how historically, the church's view of woman has been harmful and abusive. It's not a good track record. In this episode we talk about headshi...
Episode 6

Did The Law of Moses Silence Women? A Second Glance at 1 Corinthians 14:34-40 (05)
We're continuing with the overall topic we started back in episode 2 of women in the church. More specifically, how the institutional church has weaponized certain verses in the New Covenant scriptures and used them against women without fully ...
Episode 5

Did Paul Command Women to be Silent in Church? [Part 2] (04)
In this episode we take a look at the historical and cultural context of Paul's first letter to Timothy and specifically, 1 Timothy chapter 2. In giving his reasons for writing this letter to Timothy, Paul instructs him to dispel myths that had...
Episode 4

Did Paul Command Women to be Silent in Church? [Part 1] (03)
Welcome to episode 3 of the recently re-launched Grace Cafe Podcast! In this episode we continue the series we started last time concerning women in the church. This week we start to explore the question, did Paul command women to be silent in ...
Episode 3

Patriarchy and Its Affects on Women and Men (02)
Welcome to episode 2 of The Grace Cafe podcast! In this episode we're launching a multi-part series centered around the topic of women in the church and how church history and tradition have damaged and diminished the way women can function wit...
Episode 2