The Grace Cafe Podcast
Join co-hosts Mike and Susan Adams as they share their journey out of religious obligation and into the freedom that is ours apart from religion in the New Covenant gospel of grace.
The Grace Cafe Podcast
All Sufficient Grace (022)
In this episode of The Grace Cafe, we talk about grace in the midst of suffering in the context of Mike's cancer and his ongoing treatments. In the institutional box church, where one-size-fits-all is the assumed norm, our performance is often a barometer of our spiritual condition. An upward trajectory is assumed. But suffering and not being able to perform reinforces the true nature of grace and the gospel. Namely that one is justified by faith apart from works of any kind, resulting in rest from our performance and a fresh appreciation of our relationship with the Father through Jesus.
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- The UnSunday Show Podcast - https://www.unsunday.com
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- The Grace Cafe YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@GraceCafePodcast
- The UnSunday Show YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@unsundayshow